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Characteristic: Optimum Gluco Fe is used for iron deficiency. The gluconic acid facilitates the absorption and release of nutrients to the plant. The most obvious symptom of iron deficiency is leaf chlorosis. The leaves of the plant turn yellow, but the leaf veins remain green. Typically, leaf chlorosis starts at the tips of the leaves.

Ad Terram

Here we work together with Ad Terram GmbH, which offers certified microplastic-free and 100% organic micronutrients, among other things, in order to promote sustainable agriculture.

Micronutrients are essential for plant metabolism and therefore for plant growth. The heptagluconic acid used in our Optimum Gluco products ensures that the micronutrients are much more easily absorbed by the plants. This significantly reduces the risk of leaching and, in addition, our micronutrients work at a pH value between 2-12. Our products are CE-certified, 100% organic and, above all, certified microplastic-free.


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